The Neighbourhood Planning Committee has submitted a comprehensive response to the revised Wealden District Council Draft Local Plan consultation.

The draft Wealden Local Plan, which was approved recently via a formal Regulation 18 consultation, outlines the preferred vision and contains proposals for guiding future development in the Wealden district, including Hailsham. The plan outlines strategic and non-strategic planning policies to guide development and locations the district council proposes for new homes, employment, community services and infrastructure to help meet the district’s needs. The plan also aims to protect Wealden’s natural environment and contributes towards the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The Town Council has worked with consultants Troy Planning & Design to comment on the Draft Local Plan and has addressed how proposals in the Plan will impact primarily on Hailsham and its residents. The consultancy had previously supported the Town Council when preparing the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted via a public referendum held in May 2021.

A hard copy of the Town Council’s response to the Draft Local Plan is available to read at the Town Council Offices in Market Street (Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm).

The repsonse can be downloaded via the link below:



A referendum was held on Thursday 6th May 2021 when electors for the whole of the Hailsham parish were given an opportunity to vote on whether or not to accept the Hailsham Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

The community-led plan for Hailsham received overwhelming support at the Referendum, with a turnout of 30% voting in favour of the plan – a total of 72.8% of votes.

Now that the people of Hailsham have voted in favour of the Hailsham Neighbourhood Development Plan, it will be formally adopted by Wealden District Council in the near future. When looking at Hailsham planning applications up to 2028, the Local Planning Authority will have to take into consideration the policies contained within the neighbourhood plan.

>> View Referendum Statement

>> Download the Referendum Version of the Plan

>> Download MINI GUIDE


NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (Submission Version)



>>View Final Habitats Regulation Assessment for the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan



>>Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan (2018-2028): INITIAL COMMENTS OF THE INDEPENDENT EXAMINER


>>CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE UPDATES! (put “Subscribe” in title of email)


Regulation 16 CONSULTATION

In accordance with Regulation 16, residents and organisations were invited to comment on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan.  The consultation period took place from Tuesday 7th May 2019 and closed on Tuesday 18th June 2019.

It is the responsibility of the District Council to collect all comments and representations (submitted to an independent examiner for inspection of the Plan documents), before proceeding to referendum later this year.



The final steps towards the publication of a Neighbourhood  Plan for Hailsham are coming ever closer, following the adoption of the final draft Plan by the Town Council at its meeting held on 12th April.

Town councillors voted in favour of the final document, which is based on what infrastructure and development residents have suggested is needed to sustain future housing growth in the Hailsham area, taking into consideration local environment and sustainability, design, housing type, traffic and transport, economy, services and facilities.

The Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan will next be submitted to Wealden District Council for formal approval. If accepted, the Plan will then be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for review.

Upon completion of the latter inspection the plan will then be put to a referendum by Hailsham Parish residents.



Residents were invited to attend our public drop-in session at the Quintins Centre on Friday 19th January to find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan and its progress.

The event, which was a follow-up to the public consultation which took place at the Civic Community Hall in November allowing people who missed it to find out more about the pre-submission Draft Plan.

The event was one of various public feedback exercises being undertaken by the Neighbourhood Planning Committee during the current public consultation period, which ended on Friday 26th January.



>> See the results of our REGULATION 14 CONSULTATION SURVEY
>>Consultation Boards: PRE-SUBMISSION PUBLIC CONSULTATION EVENT (Sat 25th November 2017)
>>Neighbourhood Plan: FAQS AND MYTH-BUSTERS
>>Public Consultation Survey: FEEDBACK FORM






Residents attended a public consultation drop-in session to find out more about the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan and its progress, which took place at the Civic Community Hall in Vicarage Lane on Saturday 25th November.

The event marked the start of an 8-week pre-submission consultation period on the draft plan, which ended on Friday 26th January 2018.



In July 2015, Hailsham Town Council agreed to the production of a Neighbourhood (Development) Plan as one of its strategic aims to achieve in the future.


The Localism Act 2011 introduced new rights and powers that allow local communities to shape new development in their neighbourhoods by preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans which set out policies in relation to development and use of land in a particular area.  Such Plans are intended to be a tool for positive planning and not a way of preventing development.

The Neighbourhood Plan for Hailsham will consider what sort of homes should be provided in and around the area in future and the level of infrastructure required to support both new development and the existing community.

In developing the Plan, the Neighbourhood Planning Committee set up by Hailsham Town Council (consisting of members and residents/lay-members) will consider what sort of homes should be provided in the area in future and the level of infrastructure required to support both new development and the existing community.

Town Centre - Aerial 5



The following vision took on board feedback obtained from residents at a public engagement event held at the Hailsham East Community Centre in February:

“Hailsham will be recognised as a destination for leisure, shopping and culture. It will have embraced and harnessed its growth potential and benefitted from the necessary infrastructure to support and retain its strong sense of community, civic pride and social wellbeing. Hailsham will be established as a balanced, well-proportioned and prosperous town offering its residents a high quality of life.”



The Committee needs to acquire proportionate, robust evidence which will influence and support the choices made and the approach taken. We will continue to ENGAGE, ENTHUSE and ENERGISE Hailsham residents to have their say and be part of the Neighbourhood Plan in order to help shape the town’s future.

The Wealden Plan’s proposals for the scale of urban expansion in Hailsham has been debated at great length by the Town Council. The consensus has come down on the side of pragmatism, and this Council has in its response, presented an argument that whatever level of development is allocated to Hailsham, it can only come if the full requisite level of supporting infrastructure is delivered alongside.” – Cllr Glenn Moore – Chair, Neighbourhood Planning Committee


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