Hailsham Town Council will support plans by Wealden District Council and other service providers for long-term infrastructure improvements to support future housing developments, subject to a number of questions being answered and assurances made before a formal acceptance of the key ‘sustainability’ issue of the draft plan can be agreed.


The following vision took on board feedback obtained from residents at a public engagement event held at the Hailsham East Community Centre in February:

“Hailsham will be recognised as a destination for leisure, shopping and culture. It will have embraced and harnessed its growth potential and benefitted from the necessary infrastructure to support and retain its strong sense of community, civic pride and social wellbeing. Hailsham will be established as a balanced, well-proportioned and prosperous town offering its residents a high quality of life.”


>>Hailsham Town Council’s response to (Draft) Wealden Local Plan

Areas of concern that Hailsham Town Council wish to be addressed and both the feasibility and affordability of proposed additional infrastructure demonstrated before full support for the plan can be given include conservation and the environment, employment, tourism, sport and leisure, cemetery grave spaces, utilities and services, emergency service provision and the allocation of social and affordable housing.