The Town Council is updating its Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan and is inviting residents to offer their support by taking part in a forthcoming public consultation on what the priorities for the town should be in the future.

After several years work by the Town Council since 2016, volunteers and professional advisers, residents voted ‘yes’ to adopt the Plan at a referendum held in May 2021. The document, written by a group made up of members of the community and the Town Council’s Neighbourhood Planning Committee, proposes a number of policies relating to what infrastructure and development is needed to sustain future housing growth in the Hailsham area, taking into consideration local environment and sustainability, design, housing type, traffic and transport, economy, services and facilities.

The Plan does not identify housing numbers or growth as such (which is the role of the Wealden District Council planning authority) and is based on the concept of the ’10-Minute Town’, promoting social cohesion, health and well-being in the local community.

Having recently entered discussions with Plan writers and consultants Troy Planning, for the Neighbourhood Plan to remain relevant, policies within it are to be developed further as appropriate to help draw out key opportunities and challenges for Hailsham in the future.

To help achieve this and to find out what residents’ vision for Hailsham is by 2040, the Town Council is holding two drop-in consultation sessions to attend to look at the previous Plan version, ask questions and submit any comments:

  • Tuesday 11th February: 1.30pm-3.30pm | James West Community Centre, Brunel Drive
  • Wednesday 12th February: 5.30pm-7pm | The Laurel, George Street

Display boards and maps will be available to view and paper copies of the latest survey can be collected at both events, of which comments from residents are actively sought. Information gained from this survey will help considerably in terms of drafting the new, updated Plan.

Anyone who is unable to attend either of the events can complete the survey online, which is available via the home page of the Town Council’s website:

“Identifying aims and aspirations for the future of Hailsham, the document is a plan for the community, by the community,” said Cllr Mary Laxton, Chair of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. “Having the Neighbourhood Plan in place has enabled the Town Council to deliver a range of improvements to it public open spaces, outdoor recreational areas and other community facilities.

“Nevertheless, the Plan now needs to be reviewed and updated so it remains relevant and can continue to give you – the Hailsham community – a voice in how the town continues to evolve.”

“The Plan needs to respond to ongoing growth and development pressures, as well as other matters such as climate change, the way people move around town, the impact of Covid on changing lifestyles and work patterns, and what this all means for local services and facilities.”

Cllr Laxton added: “The survey and two drop-in public consultation sessions will be the next step on this long, but important journey and we hope as many people as possible support us by giving their comments.”