This autumn sees the next steps towards the production of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Hailsham.

A lot has happened since the launch of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee in 2015 including various public consultations and engagement events for local residents, which enabled people to have their say on what sort of homes should be provided in and around the Hailsham area in the future, taking into consideration local environment and sustainability, design, traffic and transport, economy, services and facilities.

Statistics obtained from an analysis of the comments put forward at the various public consultation events have revealed strong support for the Neighbourhood Planning Committee’s objectives.

An additional public consultation has been scheduled to take place at the Hailsham Civic Community Hall in Vicarage Lane on Saturday 25th November, from 10am to 2pm. The event will mark the start of a 6-week pre-submission consultation period on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan for Hailsham, which ends on Friday 26th January 2018.

“Please come along to our consultation event in November and take some time to find out more about the draft Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan,” said Councillor Glenn Moore, chairman of the Town Council’s Neighbourhood Planning Committee. “It is perhaps no exaggeration to say that the Plan’s contents will help to shape life in the Hailsham area in the future.”

“In producing this document, we have ensured that, through our public consultation questionnaires and engagement events, the local community has been given the opportunity to voice its opinions on how the town should grow in the future and the facilities and services it would require in order to do so.”

Town Mayor Councillor Nigel Coltman said: “After a long period of development and ample feedback from local residents and businesses, the Neighbourhood Plan for Hailsham is now progressing to the next stage in terms of public consultation.”

“I would encourage people to come along to the consultation event on 25th November as your views on the draft plan are important to us. We will want to know whether you agree with the vision for the future of the Hailsham area, and whether we’ve included the right policies and identified the most important issues in the Plan.”

“This is your chance to influence the future development of our town so please do come along and make your views known.”