The final steps towards the publication of a Neighbourhood Plan for Hailsham are coming ever closer, following the Town Council’s submission of the final draft plan to the District Council, which has recently launched a public consultation on the Plan documents.

In accordance with Regulation 16, residents and organisations are invited to comment on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan.  The consultation period lasts until 5pm on Tuesday 18th June 2019.

The Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan, written by a group made up of members from the community and from Hailsham Town Council, proposes a number of policies relating to what infrastructure and development is needed to sustain future housing growth in the Hailsham area, taking into consideration local environment and sustainability, design, housing type, traffic and transport, economy, services and facilities.

It is the responsibility of the District Council to collect all comments and representations, which will then be submitted to an independent examiner for inspection of the Plan documents before proceeding to referendum later this year.

Hard copies to view and forms to make your representations are available at the following venues during the consultation period:

  • Hailsham Library (Western Road)
  • Wealden District Council offices (Vicarage Lane)
  • Hailsham Town Council offices (Market Street)

Anyone wishing to be notified of the Council’s decision on the Neighbourhood Plan proposal should state this in their representation.

“It’s been a long process to get this far with the development of a neighbourhood plan for Hailsham,” said Councillor Mary Laxton, chairman of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. “Nevertheless, I’m really pleased for the local community after the amount of work they have contributed to get to this stage in the process.”

“This next – and last – public consultation is just as important as all the others we have undertaken over the past three years, and I encourage residents to take part,” added Councillor Laxton.

“The neighbourhood plan is being produced for the benefit of local people and such consultation exercises provide a real opportunity for you all to help influence the way in which the Hailsham area is developed in the future.”



  • 29th September 2019 at 1:20 pm

    Does this plan include Park Farm Hellingly where we learnt last week that 770 new affordable homes are the subject of a planning application
    This will have an intolerable impact on the village and the existing community and road network
    Why have residents been ignored and where is the transparency from Wealden D C ?
    There were major objections by those present at the Catesby Estates meeting at Hellingly village hall on 27/9/19
    What is the current position – has this been approved already by Hailsham T C and indeed Hellingly P C

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